Aero India 2019 – UAC -Fully Ready for Make in India
United Aircraft Corporation – Feature

India and Russia share not just one of the longest and best collaboration chronicles, they are fated to proceed with more historic partnerships as the two nations are working to grow respective ties.
One of the pioneers in this collaboration is the UAC, which is working with the Indian firm, HAL; under an inter-governmental agreement; to design and developing the fifth generation fighter aeroplanes. The primary stage has been effectively completed and the basic technical designing of the new aircraft has been done. The pace, volume and the nature of the work that has been done showcase the efforts of indigenous specialists. Presently the two sides are prepared to proceed with R & D. A confirmation on this is awaited from the Indian side very soon.
Indian visitors at the Moscow air show must have observed that Russian program to build the fifth generation fighter aeroplanes was pushing ahead at great speed. This was evident by looking at the aircraft on display as they showcased additional features each time. A simulated dogfight between two aeroplanes was also showcased. The test program of the Russian Air Force is consistently advancing and the preliminary phase of trials would soon be over.
UAC is putting in additional efforts and co-operating with HAL on providing the best after-sales support for the Russian-origin aircraft. A great deal is being done by both sides for expediting the delivery of spare parts and delivering better services. To incorporate and facilitate these changes effectively, a ‘single window’ interaction has been established to connect the concerned parties. Gradually, UAC would take over all after sales activities for all airships fabricated and developed in Russia.
Not only the organizations but respective governments are also working overtime to increase the effectiveness of this endeavour by the Indo-Russian bilateral inter-governmental commission. Additionally, a tri-party working group has also been set up to provide enhanced momentum and better the communication process between the two sides. Periodic Tripartite meeting sessions between IAF, HAL and the Russian Company to discuss the serviceability of Su-30MKI have proved to be useful the concerned parties have plans to expand this exercise further.
Russia is prepared to commence work on boosting and refining the basic Indian air fleet, the Su-30MKI. Up gradation of the aircraft can and should be done with all latest technological features to upscale it so that it meets up to all advanced prerequisites in technology and weaponry. Furthermore, Russia is prepared to offer its Indian accomplice the latest available features.