Military for integrated national logistic infrastructure
Our Correspondent
Bengaluru, June 16

India’s long-delayed program to complete all-weather infrastructures along unresolved borders with China and Pakistan got a timely boost at a seminar sponsored by the Army Management Study Board (AMSB). The one day seminar conducted under the aegis of Headquarters, Army Training Command (ARTRAC), held here on Thursday, at the Army Service Corps Centre & College (ASC C & C), Bengaluru, a premier institute of the Indian Army that imparts training in the field of logistics, focussed on the strategically important topic “Integration of National Logistics Assets and creation of Integrated Logistics Structure towards Enhancing Comprehensive National Logistics Power (CNLP)”.
The seminar comes in the wake of the Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce keen to finalise the delayed Draft National Logistics Policy. It was also announced that a cabinet note detailing the integration of all national logistic assets would shortly be circulated to all ministries.
The seminar which provided the ideal platform - bringing together stakeholders from various departments of the government, public and private sectors – discussed the creation of a national level structure / organisations for integration of national logistics assets for dual use, by both, the defence forces for strategic requirement and the civil industry for enhancing India’s Comprehensive National Logistics Power. The seminar featured three sessions covering different critical facets in detail by subject matter experts.
The seminar gains importance in the wake of India’s aim to integrate policy formulation and implementation for enhancing Comprehensive National Logistics Power. The seminar which began with an Inaugural Address by Lieutenant General Vipan Gupta, Commandant ASC C & C and a keynote Address by Lieutenant General PC Thimmaya, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief Headquarters ARTRAC, included eminent speakers from the Ministry of Commerce, NITI Ayog, academia, national level security organisations and operational logistics think tanks of the Army.