LM India and Women in Aviation conducts event on STEM education
Lockheed Martin, June 9

Women in Aviation International (WAI), India Chapter and Lockheed Martin India today held a virtual event to advance STEM education in middle and high school students.
With the vision to encourage young children to take up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and explore career opportunities in related industries, WAI India Chapter is a registered NGO that works to create awareness about opportunities in the aviation and aerospace sectors.
The virtual event is part of Lockheed Martin’s commitment to provide ongoing support and engagement aimed at developing the talent of tomorrow. This initiative aligns with the ‘Skill India’ initiative of the Government.
As part of the program, WAI (India Chapter) invited students from Delhi and NCR based schools as attendees. The event began with Ms. Noopurr R Chablani, Secretary, WAI, India Chapter welcoming all participants and talking about the agenda of the event. This was followed by insights from Capt. Shweta Singh, Deputy Chief Flight Opertions Inspector, DGCA. The children also got an opportunity to hear Mrs. Radha Bhatia, President, WAI (India Chapter) and Mr. William L. Blair, Vice President and Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin India along with Dr. Sarah Hiza, Vice President, Fleet Ballistic Missile Programs, Lockheed Martin Space.
The speakers enlightened the students about the aviation and aerospace industries and their functioning, and created awareness about the various career opportunities in these sectors including R&D, design engineering, remote sensing, air traffic control, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, among others. Attending students were given an opportunity to hear industry experts speak on the ‘Future of STEM in India’. The session provided an opportunity to engage with Lockheed Martin executives and other industry experts who stressed upon the importance of STEM and how these subjects can lead to fulfilling careers in aerospace and aviation.
Speaking on the occasion, Mrs. Radha Bhatia, President, WAI, India Chapter shared, “This is the fifth year that the WAI India Chapter is working towards building awareness about STEM and its necessity for taking up various careers in aviation. This day is celebrated in order to encourage young boys & girls to choose aviation as a viable career opportunity. The aviation industry has always had a lot to offer in terms of opportunities and jobs. Usually when people think of a career in aviation, the focus is on a few roles like pilots and cabin crew. With this celebration our aim is to see young children from Delhi explore other, equally exciting career options available to them as engineers, air traffic controllers and dozens of other jobs within the aviation industry.”
“We will continue our endeavour to introduce the children to role models and educate them in a fun and supportive atmosphere.” added Mrs. Bhatia.
“Since aviation in India will continue to grow at a phenomenal rate once the slight bump posed by the current travel restrictions is overcome, we hope that our efforts will help the industry find the right talent to fuel this growth, while also helping children in choosing an exciting and challenging career in the domain of their liking within the industry.”
Speaking about Lockheed Martin’s commitment to this initiative, Mr. William L. Blair, Vice President and Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin India said, “As a global security and aerospace company, we believe in building technologies for tomorrow. For more than three decades we have been a trusted partner to India and take it as our responsibility to train and develop the next generation of future engineers, explorers and scientists in India on the solid foundation of STEM education.”
Since 2016, Lockheed Martin has partnered with WAI India chapter to create awareness and build confidence in young students to expand their horizons and inspire future generations of scientists, technologists and innovators in India.