LCA Navy makes successful arrested landing
PIB, September 13

Today is a golden letter day in the history of Indian Naval Aviation.
Today, the First ever arrested landing of LCA (Navy) at the shore-based test facility, INS Hansa Goa took place which will pave the way for this Indigenous platform to undertake Aircraft Carrier landing demonstration on board the Indian Naval Aircraft Carrier, Vikramaditya.
After several years of flight testing and four campaigns of dedicated testing at Shore Based Test facility Goa, today the LCA (Navy) Flight Test Team led by Cmde J A Maolankar (Chief Test Pilot), Capt Shivnath Dahiya (LSO) & Cdr J D Raturi (Test Director) successfully executed a text book arrested landing at the Shore Based Test Facility, INS Hansa, Goa. This arrested landing heralds the arrival of true indigenous capability and displays the professional prowess of our scientific community Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) embedded with design and build capability of HAL(ARDC), DRDO and CSIR Labs involved in executing this land mark event.
This event marks the start of a new era where multiple agencies have come together to achieve a common goal. The participation of Certification Agency (CEMILAC), Quality Agency (DGAQA) and above all the men and women on the ground who serviced the aircraft and monitored it during strenuous trails is truly commendable. The support of Indian Navy through the Navy Project office and DAPM at IHQ MoD Navy is noteworthy.
Today’s event has put India on the world map as a nation with the capability to design a deck landing aircraft.
Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh congratulated ADA, HAL, DRDO and Indian Navy for this major feat.