Did Egypt’s Rafale crash?

In a bizarre twist of tale, a leading defence website with focus on Middle East and North Africa, on Monday, quoting a face book page reported crash of Egyptian Rafale fighter jet in leading to the death of the pilot of the aircraft.
“According to the Facebook account @DefensAero, the crash occurred today in Egypt and involved a Rafale. The pilot, one of the first trained in France says the publication, would have died in the accident,” menadefense.net reported.
But later retracting the story, the website said, “Contrary to what we reported in our previous edition, the crash that led to the death of a pilot is not that of a Rafale but a Chinese jet trainer, mounted in Egypt type K8E Karakorum.”
“The confusion arose because of the identity of the pilot who is assigned to pilot the Rafale,” it said.
At the time of filing of the story Defens Aero had not retracted its story from its FB page.
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