New air defence system for Delhi class

  Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:20
  Posted in Military

By Rohit Srivastava

India, on Thursday, signed contract with Russia for up gradation of air defence capability of Delhi class Destroyers. The contract was signed between Ministry of Defence (MoD) and JSC Rosoboronexport, the Russian defence exporter, said a statement.

“The modernisation of Radar and Missile systems would substantially enhance the Air Defence capability of the P-15 Ships,” MoD said.

According to sources, the current air defence complex Kashmir will be replaced by medium range air defence Shtil missile system. The Fregat MAE radar system will be replaced by Fregat M2E radar system.

The 6200 tons Delhi class has three guided missile destroyers namely, INS Delhi, INS Mysore and INS Mumbai which are currently armed with Kashmir (9M38M1) and Barak 1 air defence missile system.

Major part of the contract will be executed at the Mumbai based defence shipyard Mazagong Dockyard Limited, sources informed.

“As part of the scope of work under modernisation, major overhaul and refurbishment of sub systems would be undertaken in India,” the statement said. Indian industry will also manufacture critical hardware for the project.

Specification (

       Fregat MAE                         

Fregat M2E

Radar Channels



Max Detection Range

130 kilometer (70 nm)

230 kilometer (124nm)

Max Detection Altitude

30 kilometer

30 kilometer

Min Detection Range

2 kilometer

2 kilometer

Small Air Target Detection

30 kilometer

50 kilometer


Shtil-1 (Vertical Launch System)

Launch range, km


Max slant range, m


Min slant range, m


Max speed m/s


Operational mode (main)
