AeroIndia'21- IAF
IAF's Indigenisation Thrust in Maintenance of Aircraft Fleet

Indian Air Force operates a variety of aircraft fleets of foreign origin ranging from legacy MiG-21 Bison to the state-of-the-art Rafale aircraft. For increased self-reliance and to meet sustenance requirements in product support of IAF aircraft and systems, indigenisation of aircraft as well as systems spares and setting up of indigenous Repair and Overhaul (ROH) facilities for aggregates are key focus areas of IAF.
There is immense scope for indigenisation in the IAF for a wide variety of spares and equipment ranging from aircraft general purpose spares, such as nuts, bolts, cables, gaskets, springs, etc to complex high technology spares, such as avionics equipment, aeroengine accessories, etc. Indigenisation of spares for maintenance of aircraft and systems is undertaken through Base Repair Depots (BROs) of IAF located in various parts of the country and No. 1 Central Indigenisation and Manufacturing Depot (CIMD), Nashik.
As part of IAF's focus on Self-Reliance and Atmanirbhar Bharat mission, IAF is giving impetus to fast tracking of indigenisation as well as enlarging the scope of involvement of Indian aerospace and defence industry especially, MSMEs. Towards this, IAF has already identified indigenisation requirements of approximately 4000 lines of spares. Critical requirements for indigenisation include aviation grade filters (fuel, hydraulic & pneumatic), aeroengine bearings, hydraulic and pneumatic hoses, multifunction displays, aviation grade circuit breakers, lamp filaments, spark plugs, etc to name a few. Enormous opportunities are available for the aerospace and defence industry partners in India including MSMEs to join hands with IAF in this vigorous indigenisation drive.
In addition to manufacture of spares and aggregates, another area of focus of IAF is to engage with the Industry to set up repair and overhaul (ROH) facilities within India for high value retables/ repairables. In achieving this objective, IAF aims to accrue huge savings to the financial exchequer, besides developing and encouraging in-house MRO facilities, thereby leading to reduced timeframes for repair and enhanced operational availability of assets.
To facilitate dissemination of requirements for indigenisation, details of RFPs issued through CPPP portal by BROs/ CIMD are also being listed in the IAF website . In addition, a list of over 200 lines of high value ex-import spares (unit cost > Rs 10 lakh) has been hosted in the Ministry of Defence website
IAF will be displaying a host of indigenisation requirements through their stall in Hall C, during Aero India. Representatives from various BROs will be available in the stall to interact with industry representatives for explaining the requirements for indigenisation and associated procedures.
Chiefs of Air Staff Conclave to Promote Defence Cooperation
The Indian Air Force will host a Chiefs of Air Staff (CAS) Conclave on 3rd and 4th Feb 21 at Air Force Station Yelahanka. The Conclave will be a unique one where Chiefs of Air Staff from various countries would brainstorm and synergize their thoughts on current issues related to aero space power strategy and technological developments.
In view of the COVID 19 situation, the Conclave has been planned in a Hybrid form with extensive use of digital media. The Conclave will be inaugurated by Hon'ble Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh on 03 February 21 at Air Force Station Yelahanka. It is expected to be attended by about 75 countries.
With the growing need for Nations to join hands in maintaining peace and harmony world over, the Air Chiefs Conclave will provide the much needed platform to discuss issues related to military aviation, space operations and aerospace strategy apart from giving them opportunities to learn about each others' best practices.
The Conclave will also be a perfect example of India's Defence Cooperation with other countries working as a diplomatic instrument, giving an opportunity for building bridges of friendship, mutual trust and capacities on a global basis. Promoting transparency in defence cooperation and building areas of common interests in military aviation will be focus areas of the CAS Conclave.