MSMEs should join the indigenization efforts of IAF
New Delhi, May 10

Repair will not only reduce cost & failures but will also ensure better performance of equipments in long run and calls out to the MSMEs to join the indigenization efforts of IAF, Air Marshal Vibhas Pande, AVSM, VSM,Air Officer-in-Charge Maintenance,Indian Air Force.
Repair will not only reduce cost & failures but will also ensure better performance of equipments in long run, said Air Marshal Vibhas Pande, AVSM, VSM, Air Officer-in-Charge Maintenance,Indian Air Force, at the interactive session on Indigenisation Requirements of Indian Air Force: Opportunities for MSMEs organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry an at PHD House, today.
Air Marshal Vibhas Pande, AVSM, VSM,Air Officer-in-Charge Maintenance,Indian Air Force, said that indigenization definition would be to have a wider perspective in terms of repair, refurbishment, upgradation, increasing longevity and upgradation. One of the crucial elements in the sector is repair which will not only reduce the cost and failures of the equipment but also ensure better performance in long run. Many hit and trials are required so the need arise of creating a separate manual of indigenization,which is now a necessity for Atma nirbhar Baharat, added Air Marshal Vibhas Pande,
Chandraker Bharti, IAS Joint Secretary (Aerospace), Government of India, highlighted that 12,000 MSMEs are currently engaged in development of equipments in the sector but the figure is very small compared to other nations and we need to increase the no of MSMEs. Releasing payments in time-bound bound manner will be of much help for MSMEs to thrive in the country. One of the important aspects, he mentioned, is import substitution which will prove expedient in reducing the foreign exchange burden. He urged all industry members and all stakeholders to come forward and provide handholding to the MSMEs. He also added There is an offset obligation of more than USD 13 billion which offers a great opportunity for the MSMEs in the defence and aerospace sector. The Government has also allocated around 10000 crores for the IDEX platforms for promoting the start ups across the country.
Mercy Epao, Joint Secretaey, Minsistry of MSME, talked about roadmaps prepared for upscaling the MSME sector. Reclassification of MSME is one of the significant steps taken by the government in this direction, to make them comparable globally. She also talked about numerous portals like CHAMPION, SAMADHAAN, UDHYAM and many more which have been especially designed to cater the needs of MSMEs and entrepreneurs in the sector. All these initiatives will be helpful in upscaling the production and output in the sector. Further Steps are also been taken to bring informal MSMEs under formal MSMEs to avail the benefits provided for them by the government.
Pradeep Multani,President,PHDCCI, during his presidential remarks mentioned that Indigenisation is the capability of developing and producing any defence equipment within the country for the dual purpose of achieving self-reliance and reducing the burden of imports. Self-reliance in defence manufacturing is one of the key objectives of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces.Besides hi-tech equipment like propulsion technology, engine systems and missile and bombs, indigenisation is much-needed in smaller parts like tyre of the aircraft, batteries, bulbs, filters and other spares.
There is also a need to promote investment in the defence sector, both in R&D and production, thereby resulting in higher self-reliance and indigenization. Since the defence technology needs long term investment, its obsolescence is high with low economies of scale. Hence, the policy of maximizing indigenous production should be well supported by R&D policy and export strategy.
Air Vice Marshal P S Sarin, VSM,Assistant Chief of Air Staff,(Maintenance Plans),Indian Air Force, mentioned that the biggest stepping stone will be repair, refurbishment and upgradation in the sector for achieving the vision of Atma nirbhar Baharat, and stressed on the role of the MSMEs to come forward and join IAF in the indigenisation efforts.
Saurabh Sanyal,,Secretary General, PHDCCI, presented the formal vote of thanks with deliberations on The Indian defence and aerospace sector which has come of age with refreshing policy shifts over the last few years.As the country looks to build indigenous defence industrial capability and reduce dependence on imports, MSMEs will definitely contribute and participate in country's defence procurements.