GSL signs contract for additional 1135.6 frigates
PIB 30 January

An Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) between the Government of Republic of India and Government of Russian Federation was concluded on 15 Oct 2016, for construction of additional Project 1135.6 Follow-on ships in India, at M/s Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL). In line with the IGA, the Government signed a contract for construction of two ships with Goa Shipyard Ltd, Goa to-date, with scheduled delivery in June 2026 and December 2026 respectively.
The Follow-on P 1135.6 series of frigates, customised to meet the Indian Navy’s specific requirements, are potent platforms, with a mission span covering the entire spectrum of Naval warfare; Air, Surface and Sub-surface. The ships would be equipped to operate in littoral and blue waters; both as a single unit and as consorts of a naval task force. Advanced features of stealth include a special hull design, to limit radar cross-section, low electromagnetic, infrared and under water noise signatures. The ships would carry highly sophisticated and state-of-art weapon systems and sensors. To support these ships through their life cycle, the Indian Navy has put in place requisite infrastructures for training and maintenance.
Importantly, in line with the Government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, these ships being constructed at M/s GSL, Goa under Russian assistance, would make these platforms the largest number of ships of a class in service showcasing indigenous equipment such as sonar system, Brahmos missile system, Combat Management System etc.