Naval Group presents Blue Shark - Concept Ship

  Sat, 10/29/2022 - 09:20
  Posted in Global Industry

New Delhi, Oct 19

Naval Group will present an event based on the state  of the art of a set of technological bricks with high eco-responsible potential,  to enter the naval combat of the future with innovative technological  responses, while reducing environmental impacts.  

With the Blue Shark, Naval Group offers an evolutionary vision of a fast,  discreet, efficient and resilient combat ship that can be integrated into a  collaborative naval force, while ensuring a reduced environmental impact.  Blue Shark: ecodesigned for naval operations.  

Blue Shark, a responsible concept ship with advanced operational capabilities  

Naval Group developed Blue Shark, its newest surface concept ship based on a more  environmentally efficient architecture and technological integration. Her name refers to its  potential: Blue for high environmental technologies integrated and Shark because she is first and  foremost a combat ship, a first rank ship, meeting the mission profiles of a frigate.  

She is prepared for high-intensity collaborative combat, unobtrusive, efficient and resilient. Blue Shark is part of a naval force, equipped with offensive and defensive weapons and the capacity to implement all types of drones.  

Blue Shark can evolve over all seas for several months, with a simple maintenance and can also operate in severe sea states thanks to her stabilized multihull profile.  

Blue Shark’s hydrodynamic performance relies heavily on her design which is composed of a main  hull and two floats to ensure a ship resistance reduced by half, maximized stability and a low level  of acoustic signature. 

The use of composite materials on the superstructure enables significant functionalisation of the  walls, improving the integration of communication means: low latency, high available and wide  bandwidth.  

Blue Shark deploys advanced operational capabilities such as high combat performances, assured  sea readiness, high radar stealth and projection capability through a fleet of unmanned vehicles  onboard. The ship anticipates and responds to the international environmental regulations.  

Blue Shark enhances a broad view of Naval Group’s technical and technological expertise and its  ability to lead and federate a network of trusted suppliers and partners towards eco-qualifications  of tomorrow’s innovations. From propulsion to energy management, including materials and on board waste treatment systems, Blue Shark incorporates some 20 promising environmental  technologies, effectively addressing challenges without compromising combat superiority. 

Naval Group experts have considered the ship’s impact on the environment, from the design to  all her life cycle. It reduces CO2 emissions by at least two times compared to current frigates. Blue Shark shows that the highest combat performance can be reconciled with environmental  preservation. Naval Group’s ambition is integrate environmental issues as springboards towards  innovations with high potential for its clients. 

Main characteristics: 

- 160 m long 

- Maximum width of 37 meters 

- 5 500 tons