Kalyani Group’s Mounting Artillery Gun System 8X8 HMV unveiled

  Sat, 10/29/2022 - 08:35
  Posted in Private

Gandhinagar, Oct 21

Kalyani Group’s MGS 8X8 HMV was unveiled today by Dr. Samir V Kamat, Secretary R&D and Chairman Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) at the Defence Expo 2022.

The MGS 8x8 is a 155mm/52cal Mounted Artillery Gun System, the only artillery gun in the world with the capability of firing from Zone 1 to Zone 7. With a diverse operating temperature range and capability to fire in extreme diverse weather conditions of - 4 to 45 degrees.

The gun comes equipped with quick shoot and scoot capability with a high degree of accuracy and consistency. The 8x8 has a high chamber volume of 25 litres, with future provision of up gunning.

 Key Modern Features of the MGS 8X8

·Auto loading and positioning system

·Automatic Ammunition Handling system

·Auto Laying

·Safety interlocks and redundancy systems

·All Electric drives ensuring least maintainability and failures

·Muzzle Velocity Radar