Tonelero, the third Brazilian Scorpène® Launched

  Mon, 04/01/2024 - 11:50
  Posted in Global Industry

New Delhi, Mar 27


On March 27th, the third of the four Scorpène® submarines of the ProSub  program was launched at the Itaguaí Naval base, in presence of the Brazilian  President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and French President Emmanuel Macron.  The Tonelero has been built entirely in Brazil by Itaguaí Construções Navais  (ICN) thanks to years of successful technology transfer and partnership with  Naval Group.  

Only few weeks after the delivery of the Humaita, the Tonelero was successfully launched in  Itaguaí and will soon start sea trials in order to be delivered in 2025. Angostura, the last  submarine of the series will be launched in 2025.  

The launching of the Tonelero demonstrates the success of the ProSub program which is a key  extension of the French-Brazilian strategic defense cooperation agreement signed in 2008. This  program not only provides the Brazilian Navy with new capabilities and contributes to its  ambitious Amazonia Azul strategy, but it also enables Brazil to rely more and more on a sovereign  national industrial base.  

“The launching of the Tonelero is a major milestone for the Brazilian Navy, ICN, Naval Group and  all our partners. This achievement is a result of our common work to make the ProSub program  and its associated technology transfer a success. We are honoured by the high level of confidence  the Brazilian Navy has placed in our expertise, and we remain fully committed to supporting the  needs of the Brazilian Navy and contributing to the development a strong Brazilian naval industry.”  Pierre Éric Pommellet, Chairman and CEO of Naval Group. 

Naval Group, a long-term strategic partner of Brazilian sovereignty 

In 2009, the Brazilian Navy chose Naval Group for its “Programa de desenvolvimento de  Submarinos”, the ProSub program. Brazil decided to reinforce its submarine force with four new  conventional submarines (SSK) and the development of an indigenous nuclear-powered  submarine (SSN).  

The Scorpène® submarines of the ProSub program are manufactured and assembled in the  shipyard built in Itaguaí by ICN. Naval Group contributed to this program by transferring  technology, supplying the submarine design file, the equipment that makes up the submarines and  technical assistance to ICN. Teams from the ICN shipyard have also been trained in submarine  construction techniques in France, as part of a vast training programme for Brazilian welders,  formers, pipe fitters and electricians. This training, along with technical assistance, enables ICN  

to master the entire production process, from sheet metal forming to commissioning and testing  of onboard systems.  

Naval Group has also selected and qualified many local suppliers who have joined its supply chain  for the ProSub contract but also for other business opportunities. In this way, the company’s  partners can have access to new markets by putting forward the know-how and experience  acquired through the program. Naval Group thus contributes to the development of a robust  Brazilian naval industrial ecosystem. Hundreds of Naval Group employees are also working in the  back office on all French sites.  

Naval Group also supports the Brazilian Navy in the design of the first Brazilian nuclear-powered  submarine and will provide support beyond the construction of the submarines over the entire  life cycle of the ships.  

Scorpène®, a key reference of conventional attack submarines for navies  

Scorpène® is a modern, high-performant, and stealthy submarine. Robust and enduring, it’s an  ocean-going submarine also designed for shallow waters operations. Multipurpose, it fulfils the  entire scope of missions such as Anti-Surface and Anti-Submarine Warfare, special operations,  and intelligence gathering. Extremely stealthy and fast, it has a level of operating automation that  allows a limited number of crew, which reduces its operating costs significantly. Its combat edge  is highlighted by the fact that it has 6 weapon launching tubes, 18 weapons (torpedoes, missiles).  

Scorpène® is equipped with the latest generation of combat system, SUBTICS®, which addresses  the growing challenges of modern submarines missions in blue and shallow waters in the entire  domain of submarine warfare. Highly modular and scalable, SUBTICS® can be integrated either on  new platforms or as part of modernisation programmes for existing submarines  

In addition to these four Scorpene® submarines, ten other units designed and adapted by Naval  Group for the export market are in operational service or under construction around the world:  two for the Chilean Navy, two for the Malaysian Navy and six for the Indian Navy. These successes  demonstrate both Naval Group's ability to supply best-in-class submarines and to transfer  technology successfully.  

The final configuration of the submarine is adapted to meet the specific needs of navies and  incorporate the latest innovations. For example, the Brazilian Scorpene® is slightly longer than  the original model to carry a larger crew and more food and fuel. These modifications enable  longer patrols and greater distances.  

All of the Brazilian Scorpène® submarines will be equipped with Naval Group’s new-generation  F21 heavy-weight torpedo, for which Brazil is the first international client.  
